V-BID Center Spring 2019 Update: Summit Recap and News

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives from the end of 2018 through mid-February 2019.

V-BID Interns2020-07-27T23:16:56+05:00April 16th, 2019|Center Updates, News|

Putting Patients First: Morning Consult Releases Drug Rebate Op-Ed

February 25, 2019 – The Morning Consult has published an opinion-editorial co-authored by V-BID Center Director, Dr. A Mark Fendrick, and President & CEO of the PAN Foundation, Dan Klein.

V-BID Interns2020-01-07T15:21:46+05:00February 22nd, 2019|News|

V-BID Center Winter 2019 Update: Low-Value Care Webinar and Policy News

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives from the end of 2018 through mid-February 2019.

V-BID Interns2020-01-27T08:20:38+05:00February 8th, 2019|Center Updates, News|

AJMC Article: The Drug Price Iceberg

The Drug Price Iceberg: More Than Meets the Eye When it comes to the political iceberg of drug prices, there is more than meets the eye. Policies that reduce prices but do not lower consumers’ out-of-pocket costs will not address the main challenge facing most Americans. Access to affordable prescription drugs is a topic of increasing public concern. In a recent survey, 82% of respondents identified medical costs as their biggest financial challenge. Although prescription spending growth has moderated and drug spending remains a relatively small part of total medical expenditures, a 2018 Kaiser Family Foundation poll showed that a significant majority of Americans think that Congress and the president are not doing enough about the problem. The fact that a majority of American adults use prescription medications is likely driving the issue of drug affordability as a policy priority. Nearly 3 in 5 American adults take [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-07T15:24:45+05:00January 30th, 2019|News|

CMS Announces Transformative Updates to MA V-BID Demo

Introducing V-BID 2.0: CMS Announces Updates to Medicare Advantage V-BID Demo January 18, 2019 -  The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced transformative updates to the Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design (MA V-BID) model.  These changes aim to increase choice, lower cost, and improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries. The model launched on January 1, 2017, and has since been expanded to include 25 states, 9 chronic conditions, Chronic Condition Special Needs Plans, and allows participants to propose their own systems or methods for identifying eligible enrollees.  Riding on the heels of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which included a directive to expand the model to all 50 states by 2020, today's release makes sweeping changes to the CY2020 model, including: Allows plans to provide reduced cost-sharing and additional benefits to enrollees in a more targeted fashion Bolsters rewards and incentives programs that plans can offer beneficiaries to [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-28T19:32:41+05:00January 18th, 2019|News, Press Releases|

White House Report Urges Broader Coverage for Chronic Diseases in HSA-Qualified High-Deductible Health Plans

White House Report Urges Broader Coverage for Chronic Diseases in HSA-Qualified High-Deductible Health Plans On December 3rd, 2018, the White House released its 119-page report, Reforming America's Healthcare System Through Choice and Competition. In this report, HHS, in collaboration with the Department of Treasury, Labor, the FTC, and the White House, sets forth many formal recommendations aimed toward developing a better health care system. The report highlights the need for HSA reform and, more specifically, advocates for the expansion of the scope of preventive care and chronic condition services covered before the minimum deductible is met.  An excerpt from pages 82 and 83 is included below: "As noted above, an additional constraint on the availability and use of HSAs is the requirement that HSA-qualified plans can only provide certain preventive care benefits before the minimum deductible is met. Reconsideration of the scope of [...]

Vbidcenter2020-01-28T19:32:45+05:00December 4th, 2018|News|

V-BID Center Policy Update Winter 2018

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives.

V-BID Interns2020-01-27T08:25:02+05:00December 4th, 2018|Center Updates, News|

AMA Joint Report Strongly Endorses V-BID

The American Medical Association Council on Medical Service and Council on Science and Public Health recently released a joint report that strongly endorsed value-based insurance design as a potential solution to align clinical and financial incentives for high-value care.  The report listed eleven key policy recommendations, including the following: Support clinically nuanced V-BID plans Support the requirement of private health plans to provide coverage for evidence-based preventive services without cost-sharing for patients Support Medicare Advantage V-BID plans Support legislative and regulatory flexibility to implement V-BID, including expanding the safe harbor of HSA-eligible high-deductible health plans to include coverage for preventive care and chronic diseases Encourage national medical specialty societies to identify high-value services and collaborate with payers to experiment with plan designs that align incentives with utilization of high-value services The AMA House of Delegates adopted all report recommendations.  To read the full report and AMA News [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:34+05:00November 16th, 2018|News|

RealClear Policy Op-Ed: A Patient-Centered Approach to Medicare Drug Reform

A Patient-Centered Approach to Medicare Drug Reform Dr. A Mark Fendrick, V-BID Center Director     The Trump administration has recently proposed a number of sweeping changes to the Medicare program to curb taxpayer spending on prescription drugs. These include price setting, revamping how doctors and hospitals acquire drugs, and changing how physicians are reimbursed for medicines. The changes apply to “Part B,” the component of Medicare that covers medicines administered in a health-care facility, like gene therapies and advanced treatments for cancer, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Today, physicians purchase these medications directly. Each of the suggested reforms are blunt instruments that focus exclusively on drug prices without fully accounting for clinical value. These changes may reduce short-term expenditures, but will likely restrict access to the lifesaving medications that many seniors rely on. These policies also miss the critical clinical point that in certain patient [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-27T08:27:05+05:00November 13th, 2018|News|

V-BID Center Policy Update Fall 2018

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives.

V-BID Interns2020-01-07T15:32:09+05:00October 2nd, 2018|Center Updates, News|

Press Release: V-BID Improves Medication Adherence Without an Increase in Total Health Care Spending

Basing patients' medication costs on the health benefits they'll get from a drug, rather than its price, means they're more likely to take it Excerpt from IHPI press release:"Taking a medicine every day in the hopes that it will prevent some long-range potential health catastrophe -- like a heart attack or kidney failure -- isn’t easy.Many people skip doses, or don’t refill their prescriptions on time, or at all. And plenty of studies have shown that the more patients have to pay for those prescriptions, the less likely they are to take them as directed.But new evidence shows the power of a method aimed at changing this behavior: insurance plans that charge patients less for the medicines that could help them most. Some plans even make some of the medicines free to the patients with certain conditions.In an article published in the July issue of Health [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-27T08:33:11+05:00June 29th, 2018|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: V-BID Highlighted at Two Congressional Hearings

Press Release: V-BID Highlighted at Two Congressional Hearings The Health Subcommittee of the Congressional Committee on Ways & Means and the Joint Economic Committee held hearings on lowering health care costs and expanding access to health care. Value-Based Insurance Design principles were highlighted at both hearings as a potential cost-saving, health-improving measure. June 6, 2018: Ways and Means Hearing on Consumer-Directed Health Plans "How do we lower costs and expand access to health care?" The Health Subcommittee of the Congressional Committee on Ways & Means held a hearing on lowering costs and expanding access to health care through Consumer-Directed Health Plans.  Value-Based Insurance Design principles were highlighted as a promising reform to high-deductible health plans, particularly in chronic disease management and HSA rule flexibility.  Matt Eyles, President and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), highlighted that HSAs should have more [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-13T18:45:08+05:00June 11th, 2018|News, Press Releases|

V-BID Center Policy Update 2018

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives.

V-BID Interns2020-07-28T01:17:31+05:00June 5th, 2018|Center Updates, News|

Press Release: Trump Administration Drug Pricing Plan Includes V-BID

Trump Administration "American Patients First" Drug Pricing Blueprint Includes V-BID "Value-Based transformation of our entire healthcare system is a top HHS priority" On May 11, 2018, President Trump gave a speech introducing his administration's "American Patients First" drug pricing plan, which strongly reflected V-BID concepts.  The 44-page blueprint includes lowering out of pocket costs, implementing value-based purchasing in federal programs (including indication-based pricing and long-term financing), instructing CMS to create demonstration projects to encourage value-based care and lower drug prices, and considering adjustments to HHS regulations regarding drug copay discount cards. "FDA also announced it will facilitate opportunities for enhanced information sharing between manufacturers, doctors, patients and insurers to improve patient access to medical products, including through value-based insurance." A. Mark Fendrick, MD, developer of the V-BID concept and Director of the University of Michigan V-BID Center, is available for questions or comments. View the [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:39+05:00May 14th, 2018|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: Meeting the Opioid Challenge in Health Affairs

Meeting the Opioid Challenge: Getting Naloxone to Those Who Need it Most In April 2018, the US Surgeon General recognized the gravity of the US opioid epidemic and issued a rare public health advisory calling for increased availability of naloxone. This policy explicitly acknowledges that naloxone—a rescue medication that temporarily reverses the effects of an opioid overdose—does not cure opioid addiction. However, by preventing immediate harms such as death, naloxone use offers the survivor an opportunity to enter treatment when ready.Unfortunately, national implementation of a policy aimed to enhance access to naloxone faces many practical barriers, including identifying those most likely to benefit, deciding how and where to distribute the medication, and ensuring affordability. Naloxone prices have increased markedly over the past few years and range between $20 for a generic vial to $4,500 for an easy to use auto injector. Separate from drug acquisition costs, high consumer out-of-pocket costs [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-08T19:35:26+05:00May 11th, 2018|News, Press Releases|
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