V-BID Center Update: Late September 2022
Tradeoffs Podcast Addresses Cancer Coverage, Low-Value Care Briefing
Tradeoffs Podcast Addresses Cancer Coverage, Low-Value Care Briefing
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, V-BID Center director, A. Mark Fendrick, served as the keynote speaker for the Smarter Health Care Coalition virtual LVC Briefing.
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, V-BID Center director, A. Mark Fendrick, spoke at the CareFirst V-BID Kickoff event.
This week’s episode of Tradeoffs, a national podcast addressing America's toughest health policy challenges, focuses on the problem of lack of coverage for follow up testing after positive initial cancer screening.
On Thursday, September 15, 2022, V-BID Center director, A. Mark Fendrick, presented for the Wisconsin Health Information Organization board meeting.
VBID included in IRA; Court Rules on ACA Preventive Care Mandate
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which passed the Senate on August 7th, includes several V-BID related items
Grand Rounds: Removing Cost-Sharing for Cancer Screening; United Eliminates Cost-Sharing for LifeSaving Drugs
On Friday, July 29, the V-BID Center director, Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, spoke at the University of Michigan Internal Medicine Grand Rounds.
CMS Proposes Eliminating Cost-Sharing for Colonoscopy after Positive Test
IHPI National Clinical Scholars Program On Wednesday, July 13, 2022, V-BID Center director, A. Mark Fendrick, presented to the IHPI National Clinical Scholars Program (NCSP).Dr. Fendrick's presentation, "Turning a Crisis into Opportunity: Can COVID-19 Help Set a Path to Improved Health Care Efficiency?", and associated resources available below. Dr. Fendrick's Presentation Cancer Screening Initiative V-BID & COVID-19 Low-Value Care Initiative V-BIDX HSA-HDHP Initiative COVID-19 AJMC Editorial Telemedicine Blog Low-Value Care Task Force
In a July 7 press release, CMS Proposes Physician Payment Rule to Expand Access to High-Quality Care”, CMS proposed that a follow-up colonoscopy to an at-home test be considered a preventive service, which means that cost sharing would be waived for people with Medicare.
Coverage Gap for Cancer Screening Follow-Up Care
California V-BID Plan Improves Engagement and Quality at No Added Cost
On Tuesday, June 14, the V-BID Center director, Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, spoke at the Washington Health Benefit Exchange advisory working group, Cascade Care Stakeholder.