V-BID Center Update: March 2022
One week to Register for V-BID Summit; CMS Launches Equity Initiative
One week to Register for V-BID Summit; CMS Launches Equity Initiative
2022 Virtual Summit; Removing Barriers to Cancer Screening
Register for 2022 Virtual Summit; More Preventive Services Covered without Cost-Sharing
2022 Summit; Guidance Eliminates Cost Sharing for COVID Testing and Follow up Colonoscopy
The Biden Administration has released Frequently Asked Questions Part 51 regarding implementation of the ACA, FFCRA, Coronavirus Aid Relief, and CARES Act. The guidance reaffirmed no out-of-pocket costs for COVID testing as well as the elimination of cost-sharing for colonoscopies following a positive non-invasive colorectal cancer screening test.
Build Back Better Act includes V-BID, New Equity Infographic
Our November 2021 newsletter features policy developments, literature items, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives throughout November.
October 20, 2021– the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation Center (CMMI) has released a white paper detailing its strategic direction for the next decade.
New NPC-funded research by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) has found that many employers would like to further broaden pre-deductible coverage for medications and health services used to treat common chronic conditions.
Our September 2021 newsletter features policy developments, literature items, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives throughout September.
This update features policy developments, literature items, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives throughout July 2021 and early August 2021.
In July 2021, the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority (DCHBX) voted to adopt key recommendations from its Social Justice and Health Disparities Working Group which aim to expand access to providers and health systems, eliminate health outcome disparities, and ensure equitable treatment in health care settings and delivery of health care services for communities of color.
This update features policy developments, literature items, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives throughout June 2021.
This update features policy developments, literature items, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives throughout late April and early May 2021.
On April 28, 2021, Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Tom Carper (D-DE), re-introduced the Chronic Disease Management Act in the United States Senate. This bill builds upon its previous versions and includes criteria from the 2019 IRS guidance to further increase the flexibility of HSA-HDHPs to cover chronic disease services on pre-deductible basis.