V-BID included in CMS Request for Information to Innovate Medicare

Thursday, October 2, 2014, Washington, DC.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a request for information to innovate Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDP), Medicare Advantage (MA) and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans (MA-PD), Medicaid managed care plans (Medicaid plans), Medigap plans, and Retiree Supplemental health plans.  Specifically, CMS requests information on innovations in: ●   Plan design, including but not limited to value-based insurance design ●   Care delivery; ●   Beneficiary and provider incentives and engagement; ●   Network design. This request coincides with the recent introduction of bipartisan, bicameral legislation to authorize a V-BID demonstration project in Medicare Advantage.    

Vbidcenter2020-01-06T16:55:32+05:00October 2nd, 2014|News, Press Releases|

AJMC Editorial on Generic Cost Sharing Generates Attention

On Wednesday, September 17, 2014, The American Journal of Managed Care published an editorial by Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, V-BID Center Director, and Dr. Gerry Oster, Vice President of Policy Analysis Inc. The piece, also featured in the New York Times Upshot, details a recent pharmacy benefits management trend in which several prominent health plans are forcing consumers to assume more of the burden of their health care costs by placing generic drugs into "preferred" and "non-preferred" tiers.  This parallels the split that one typically finds with branded drug pricing.  As a result, many patients now face substantially higher co-pays for various generic drugs -- many of which are recommended as first-line treatments for several chronic conditions and auto-immune diseases. The authors contend that the designation of these generic drugs as "non-preferred" based on cost alone may result in lower rates of medication and treatment adherence, which runs counter [...]

Vbidcenter2019-10-30T18:17:01+05:00September 17th, 2014|News|

V-BID for Better Care Act of 2014 Introduced in US Senate: “Transformative” Idea Attains Bipartisan, Bicameral Support

  Washington, D.C. September 11, 2014 - U.S. Senators John Thune (R-South Dakota) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan) introduced bipartisan legislation The Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) for Better Care Act of 2014 (S.2783).  A summary of S.2783 is available.  A companion bill, H.R. 5183, was introduced by House Representatives Diane Black (R-Tennessee) and Earl Blumenauer (D-Oregon) in July. Specifically, the bipartisan, bicameral bills direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a three-year demonstration program allowing participating Medicare Advantage plans to test V-BID principles of reduced copayments and coinsurance for high-performing providers, evidence-based medications, or clinical services related to specific chronic disease care, while explicitly prohibiting plans from increasing copayments or coinsurance to discourage use of services. The clinical and economic impact of the demonstration project will be evaluated.  Expansion of the project depends on whether implementing V-BID plans that provide clinically nuanced incentives for beneficiaries with chronic conditions [...]

Vbidcenter2019-10-30T18:17:01+05:00September 11th, 2014|News, Press Releases|

Value-Based Insurance Design Better Care Act Introduced to Congress

July 23, 2014Washington, D.C. - Representatives Diane Black (R-TN) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) introduced H.R. 5183 - The V-BID for Better Care Act of 2014 to establish a regional demonstration program for Medicare Advantage plans that allows the utilization of Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) to reduce beneficiary cost-sharing for selected high-value prescription medications, providers, and clinical services related to chronic disease care.  A summary of the bill and official release are available.  A companion bill, S.2783 was introduced in the Senate in September of 2014.Specifically, the bipartisan, bicameral bills direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to establish a three-year demonstration program allowing participating Medicare Advantage plans to test V-BID principles of reduced copayments and coinsurance for high-performing providers, evidence-based medications, or clinical services related to specific chronic disease care, while explicitly prohibiting plans from increasing copayments or coinsurance to discourage use of services.Evidence is accumulating that V-BID programs improve quality, reduce disparities, and in some circumstances, lower [...]

Vbidcenter2020-07-27T23:18:41+05:00July 23rd, 2014|News, Press Releases|

V-BID in Action: Michigan Medicaid Expansion

V-BID in action: Michigan Medicaid Expansion February 25, 2014 In September 2013, Michigan became the 25th state to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. The new Healthy Michigan Plan will provide coverage to an additional 470,000 residents over the next several years.  Among the provisions of Public Act 107 of 2013, the Healthy Michigan Plan relies on V-BID to improve access, control costs, and enhance personal responsibility. Read more in our newest V-BID Brief: Michigan Medicaid Expansion. Incorporating V-BID into the Healthy Michigan Plan follows the recent CMS rule giving Medicaid programs greater flexibility to vary enrollee cost-sharing for drugs as well as certain outpatient, emergency department, and inpatient visits. When V-BID principles are used to set enrollee cost-sharing levels, Medicaid programs can improve quality of care, remove waste, foster consumer engagement, and mitigate the legitimate concern that non-nuanced cost-sharing may lead individuals to forgo clinically important [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-03T17:54:14+05:00February 25th, 2014|Press Releases|

CMS Medicare Advantage Call Letter encourages V-BID Demo

Washington, D.C. February 21, 2014 -- The CMS Innovation Center issued a 2015 call letter seeking to partner with private payers to test innovations including - but not limited to - V-BID, beneficiary engagement, incentives, and/or care coordination to lower costs and improve quality for Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries (Section begins on page 113).  A new blog post from the Association of Health Care Journalists (AHCJ) is available. The University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design leads in research, development, and advocacy for innovative health benefit plans.

Vbidcenter2020-01-03T17:55:27+05:00February 21st, 2014|News, Press Releases|

Value-Based Insurance Design Congressional Briefing on Medicare

February 21, 2014 - We are pleased to announce that Representatives John Dingell (D-MI) and Diane Black (R-TN) will convene a briefing on the role of V-BID in Medicare on Capitol Hill, Friday, February 28th.  Center Director, A. Mark Fendrick, MD, will present V-BID as an incremental solution to the health and economic well-being of Medicare Beneficiaries and all Americans. Understanding how the Medicare system could spend more efficiently and improve the health of beneficiaries offers an important step forward to ensure the program's solvency.  V-BID has been included in major bipartisan health reform proposals, including a prominent role in the Wyden-Isaacson 'Better Care, Lower Cost Act' introduced last month. Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) programs are designed with the tenets of clinical nuance in mind.  Clinical nuance recognizes that 1) medical services differ in the amount of health produced, and 2) the clinical benefit derived from a [...]

Vbidcenter2020-01-03T17:57:20+05:00February 21st, 2014|Briefings, News, Press Releases|

V-BID Concepts included in new Medicare Legislation to Improve Care and Lower Costs

January 15, 2014 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden, D-OR, and Johnny Isakson, R-GA, and U.S. Representatives Erik Paulsen, R-MN, and Peter Welch, D-VT, introduced legislation to improve care coordination for the millions of Medicare beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions and to expand the use of multi-disciplinary health teams to keep patients as healthy as possible in their homes and communities. The Better Care, Lower Cost Act of 2014 (S.1932) creates the voluntary "Better Care Program" (BCP) that is open to Medicare enrollees suffering from chronic conditions.  BCPs have the ability to lower cost-sharing on services and provider visits that provide the most value for an enrollee's chronic conditions, the basic premise of Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID).  Participating plans and practices would receive newly calculated risk-adjusted, capitated payments rewarding better health outcomes for enrolled beneficiaries.  A press packet and summary of the bill are also available. The University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance [...]

Vbidcenter2020-01-03T17:58:41+05:00January 15th, 2014|News, Press Releases|

Harvard Business Review: Smarter Consumer Cost Sharing Using Clinical Nuance

Harvard Business Review Insight Center: Smarter Consumer Cost Sharing Using Clinical Nuance November 18, 2013 The Harvard Business Review Insight Center features a collaborative blog post on smarter "clinically nuanced" consumer cost-sharing by Drs. Mark Fendrick and John Ayanian, Directors of the University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) and Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI), respectively. The blog post recommends that the focus of the health care cost debate turn from how much to how well we spend our health care dollars.  To encourage this shift from volume to value, Fendrick and Ayanian contend that insurance benefits and payment models must be redesigned with the basic V-BID tenets of clinical nuance in mind.  These tenets recognize that 1) medical services and providers differ in the amount of health produced, and 2) the clinical benefit derived from a specific service depends on the consumer using [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T16:56:48+05:00November 18th, 2013|News|

JAMA: Reform Proposals from Seven National Policy Centers and Stakeholder Coalitions Endorse V-BID

October 23, 2013 - Over the past year, diverse policy centers and stakeholder coalitions including the Bipartisan Policy Center, Brookings Institution, The Commonwealth Fund, Kaiser Family Foundation, National Coalition on Health Care, Partnership for Sustainable Health Care, and Urban Institute presented plans for reforming the US health care system.  In a recent JAMA analysis of proposals from these respected organizations, Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) and value-based payment reform were unanimously included as key elements for sustainable health care.  Administrative efficiency, spending limits, and Medicare reforms were also identified.  The inclusion of V-BID in each proposal demonstrates the growing multi-stakeholder and bipartisan political consensus among experts that V-BID is essential to a high-performing health care delivery system. Policy Comparisons Table, The Journal of the American Medical Association Developed by a multi-disciplinary team at the University of Michigan, the premise of Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) is to reduce barriers to high-value health services and providers and discourage [...]

Vbidcenter2020-01-06T17:22:58+05:00October 23rd, 2013|Press Releases|

V-BID in the New York Times: When Co-Pay Impedes Health

August 13, 2013 In a recent New York Times article, Harvard economist Sendhil Mullainathan articulates strong support for clinically nuanced value-based insurance design (V-BID) programs.  Mullainathan highlights the well-documented problem of cost-related medication non-adherence and recommends that high-value drugs such as those that treat heart disease and diabetes be provided at no cost to the populations that need them. The concept of 'clinical nuance' was developed at the University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design.  The basic tenets of clinical nuance are: 1) medical services and providers differ in the benefit provided; and 2) the clinical benefit of the service depends on the person using it, as well as where and by whom the service is provided.  Unlike "one-size-fits-all" plan designs that set a single co-payment for all clinician visits, diagnostic tests and drugs, V-BID programs base cost-sharing on the clinical value of the service--not the cost.  Published evidence [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T17:43:03+05:00August 13th, 2013|Press Releases|

V-BID Plays Key Role in Michigan Medicaid Expansion

August 1, 2013 LANSING, MI - Yesterday’s 20-18 Senate vote made Michigan the 25th state in the nation to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.  The new plan—Healthy Michigan—will provide coverage to an additional 470,000 residents over the next several years.  Among the provisions of the Senate version of House Bill 4714, Healthy Michigan relies on Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) to improve access, control costs, and enhance personal responsibility. Section 105d(1)(e) permits health plans to waive copays “to promote greater access to services that prevent the progression and complications related to chronic disease.”  Health plans may also reduce enrollee contributions for meeting certain healthy behavior goals or addressing unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol and tobacco use, substance use disorders, and obesity.  Moreover, Section 105d(1)(f) of the new law explicitly calls for the creation of a clinically nuanced value-based design:  “By July 1, 2014, design and implement a [...]

Vbidcenter2020-01-06T17:43:38+05:00August 1st, 2013|News, Press Releases|

States looking at V-BID for exchanges and Medicaid

June 25, 2013 Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID), a concept developed and researched by the V-BID Center at the University of Michigan, has garnered recent attention from high profile state health policy makers.  In a U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, Anthony Keck, Director of the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, testified that he was a "strong believer in V-BID" and hoped to use clinically nuanced designs in the state's Medicaid program.  View the video here.  Medicaid policy expert Seema Verma supported the use of V-BID in Medicaid during her testimony at the same hearing. Separately, during a national summit on state health insurance exchanges, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, noted that his state was examining V-BID's role in the Maryland Health Benefits Exchange and that the V-BID concept could "improve health outcomes and lower costs."  View the video here. Both Sharfstein and Keck [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T17:47:08+05:00June 25th, 2013|Press Releases|

Key stakeholders support V-BID

April 17, 2013 A recent report published by the Partnership for Sustainable Health Care and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation singled out the adoption of Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) as one of five recommendations to sustain affordability and quality in America's health care system.  This inclusion again highlights the V-BID concept as one of a small number of ideas with strong, bipartisan support to control costs, enhance clinical outcomes and create a better experience for patients. The report is the result of discussions of a diverse group of organizations that came together over the past year to develop reforms to improve efficiency, efficacy and value in the U.S. health system.  Influential groups including America's Health Insurance Plans, Families USA, the Pacific Business Group on Health, the National Coalition on Health Care, Ascension Health and the American College of Surgeons contributed to the report. "Value-Based Insurance [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T17:53:10+05:00April 17th, 2013|Press Releases|

February 26, 2013: U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health

U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health V-BID Center director A. Mark Fendrick testified at a hearing on Medicare benefit design before the U.S. House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health Dr. Fendrick's testimony focused on the importance of re-designing Medicare benefits to engage beneficiaries to utilize evidence-based clinical services and high performing providers, as well as the quality improvement and cost containment that result when clinical nuance is incorporated in benefit design. Video of the testimony is available.  

V-BID Interns2020-01-15T18:04:22+05:00February 26th, 2013|News, Press Releases|
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