Press Release: “Clinically Nuanced” Medicaid Cost-Sharing Highlighted in the Journal of Medical Economics

Ann Arbor, MI -- If you've tried to see a doctor, fill a prescription or get a diagnostic test lately, you've probably had to pay more out of your own pocket than you would have even a few years ago. Most insurance plans have increased [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:43+05:00October 4th, 2017|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: Exploring Unnecessary Health Spending in Health Affairs

Study Identifies Unexpected Contributor to Rising Health Costs: Low-Cost Services As the U.S. health care system searches for ways to cut costs while improving quality, new research published in the October 2017 issue of Health Affairs indicates that addressing low-cost, low-value services may go a long way toward reducing overall health care expenditures. The paper, titled "Low-Cost, High-Volume Health Services Contribute The Most To Unnecessary Health Spending," was co-authored by Value-Based Insurance Design Center Director, Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, and details a UCLA-led study that investigated the financial impact of forty-four low-value health services in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The researchers found that the state spent more than $586 million on unnecessary health care in 2014, and low-cost services accounted for nearly two-thirds of this amount. As pointed out by the authors, "The cost distribution of low-value care should have important implications for policy makers, health care systems, [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:43+05:00October 3rd, 2017|Press Releases|

Press Release: Senate Passes Bill to Expand V-BID Medicare Demonstration to all 50 States

September 26, 2017 - Today, the United States Senate passed S. 870,  Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2017, a bipartisan bill to strengthen and improve health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries living with chronic conditions.  Among the recommendations is the expansion of the Medicare Advantage V-BID demonstration to plans in any state. BILL SECTION 301.  ADAPTING BENEFITS TO MEET THE NEEDS OF CHRONICALLY ILL MEDICARE ADVANTAGE ENROLLEES UNDER MEDICARE ADVANTAGE.  Under Medicare Advantage (MA) private health plans are paid a per-person monthly amount to provide all Medicare-covered benefits (except hospice) to beneficiaries who enroll. Unlike original Medicare, where providers are paid for each item or service provided to a beneficiary, an MA plan receives the same capitated monthly payment regardless of how many or few services a beneficiary actually uses. The plan is at-risk if aggregate costs for its enrollees exceed program payments and [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-08T20:25:45+05:00September 27th, 2017|News, Press Releases|

V-BID Policy Update

This update features policy developments, media reports, and events supporting continued momentum for multiple V-BID Center initiatives.

V-BID Interns2020-09-08T22:33:21+05:00July 19th, 2017|Center Updates, News|

Press Release: New York Times Article Features V-BID

Ann Arbor, MI -- If you've tried to see a doctor, fill a prescription or get a diagnostic test lately, you've probably had to pay more out of your own pocket than you would have even a few years ago. Most insurance plans have increased [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:45+05:00July 10th, 2017|News, Press Releases|

June 7, 2017: Committee on Ways and Means Medicare Advantage Testimony

On Wednesday, June 7th, Dr. A. Mark Fendrick, V-BID Center Director, testified before the Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health hearing on Promoting Integrated and Coordinated Care for Medicare Beneficiaries.  Dr. Fendrick discussed how the principles of value-based insurance design (V-BID) and clinical nuance can contribute positively to Medicare Advantage. Learn more about V-BID in Medicare Advantage To view the full hearing, click here. Additional testimony materials available below:        Learn more about V-BID in Medicare Advantage

V-BID Interns2020-07-28T01:00:51+05:00June 5th, 2017|Events, Press Releases, Testimonies|

V-BID Congressional Briefing, February 7, 2017

Value-Based Insurance Design:  An Innovative Approach to Improve Medicare Advantage, Health Savings Accounts, and TRICARE Washington, DC:  On Tuesday, February 7, Representatives Diane Black (R-TN) and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) convened a bipartisan briefing on the role of Value-Based Insurance Design (V-BID) in Health Savings Accounts, Medicare Advantage, and Tricare.  V-BID Center Co-founders A. Mark Fendrick, MD, and Michael Chernew, PhD, discussed the role of V-BID as a bipartisan, multi-stakeholder solution to improve quality, enhance consumer experience, and lower costs.  In their introductory remarks, Congressmen Black and Blumenauer highlighted the rare bipartisan support for V-BID and praised its role in improving the health of Americans and lowering health care spending.  Both were enthusiastic about partnering on bipartisan legislation to expand V-BID in private and public payers. Access to quality medical care and containing health care expenditures are among the most pressing issues for our military personnel, our national well-being and economic security.  Understanding how commercial [...]

V-BID Interns2020-08-04T23:55:35+05:00February 2nd, 2017|Briefings, Events, News, Press Releases|

Press Release: JAMA Internal Medicine – “Smarter” Deductibles to Better Engage Consumers and Mitigate Cost-Related Nonadherence

As Washington grapples with the fate of the Affordable Care Act, a pair of health care researchers has proposed a new way to design health insurance plans [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:47+05:00January 9th, 2017|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: President Signs Defense Bill Authorizing V-BID Pilot in TRICARE

President Signs Defense Bill Authorizing TRICARE V-BID Pilot On Friday, December 23rd, 2016, the President signed a $619 billion defense bill that calls for a pilot program to demonstrate and test the feasibility of incorporating Value-Based Insurance Design into the TRICARE program.  The pilot aims to improve health outcomes and enhance the experience of care for U.S. Armed Forces military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents. Section 701:  (1) IN GENERAL -- Not later than January 1, 2018, the Secretary of Defense shall carry out a pilot program to demonstrate and assess the feasibility of incorporating value-based health care methodology in the purchased care component of the TRICARE program by reducing copayments or cost shares for targeted populations of covered beneficiaries in the receipt of high-value medications and services and the use of high-value providers under such purchased care component, including by exempting certain services from deductible [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T16:34:47+05:00December 26th, 2016|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: Senate Bill Expands V-BID Medicare Demonstration to all 50 States

December 6, 2016 - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., along with Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Mark Warner, D-Va., co-chairs of the Finance Committee Chronic Care Working Group introduced S. 3504, the Creating High-Quality Results and Outcomes Necessary to Improve Chronic (CHRONIC) Care Act of 2016, a bipartisan bill to strengthen and improve health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries living with chronic conditions.  Among the recommendations is the expansion of the Medicare Advantage V-BID demonstration to plans in any state: BILL SEC. 301.  ADAPTING BENEFITS TO MEET THE NEEDS OF CHRONICALLY ILL MEDICARE ADVANTAGE ENROLLEES.  (h) NATIONAL TESTING OF MODEL FOR MEDICARE ADVANTAGE VALUE-BASED INSURANCE DESIGN - (1) IN GENERAL - In implementing the model described in paragraph (2) proposed to be tested under section 1115A(b), the Secretary shall revise the testing of the model under such section to cover, effective not later than January 1, 2019, [...]

Vbidcenter2019-10-30T18:16:47+05:00December 8th, 2016|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: 2017 National Defense Authorization Act calls for V-BID Demonstration

2017 Defense Bill Calls for Expanded Role for V-BID in TRICARE Program House and Senate conferees have agreed to an almost $619 billion defense budget that calls for a demonstration using Value-Based Insurance Design in the TRICARE program.  The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2017 is tentatively scheduled for a House vote Friday and a Senate vote soon thereafter, senior staffers told the press on December 1st.  Text of the conference report - Page 454: (1) IN GENERAL -- Not later than January 1, 2018, the Secretary of Defense shall carry out a pilot program to demonstrate and assess the feasibility of incorporating value-based health care methodology in the purchased care component of the TRICARE program by reducing copayments or cost shares for targeted populations of covered beneficiaries in the receipt of high-value medications and services and the use of high-value providers under such purchased [...]

V-BID Interns2021-03-03T12:35:05+05:00December 1st, 2016|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: Bipartisan Senate Proposal calls for Expanded Role for V-BID in Medicare Program

Thursday, October 27, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-UT, and Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-OR, along with Senators Johnny Isakson, R-GA, and Mark Warner, D-VA, co-chairs of the Finance Committee Chronic Care Working Group, released a discussion draft with bipartisan proposals to improve health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries living with chronic conditions.  Among the recommendations is the expansion of the Medicare Advantage V-BID demonstration to plans in any state: Section 301. Adapting Benefits to Meet the Needs of Chronically Ill Medicare Advantage Enrollees Under Medicare Advantage (MA) private health plans are paid a per-person monthly amount to provide all Medicare-covered benefits (except hospice) to beneficiaries who enroll. Unlike original Medicare, where providers are paid for each item or service provided to a beneficiary, an MA plan receives the same capitated monthly payment regardless of how many or few services a beneficiary actually uses. The plan is at-risk if aggregate costs [...]

V-BID Interns2020-01-06T16:47:00+05:00October 31st, 2016|News, Press Releases|

Press Release: One size should not fit all when it comes to our out-of-pocket health care costs

Ann Arbor, MI -- If you've tried to see a doctor, fill a prescription or get a diagnostic test lately, you've probably had to pay more out of your own pocket than you would have even a few years ago. Most insurance plans have increased [...]

V-BID Interns2019-10-30T18:16:47+05:00October 31st, 2016|News, Press Releases|
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