Access to prescription drugs is a hot-button health care issue.  Committing to policies that encourage lower cost, first-line drugs — while ensuring access to clinically appropriate therapies — necessitates a ‘dynamic’ approach to consumer cost-sharing.  ‘Reward the Good Soldier’ is a novel benefit design that lowers consumer cost-sharing for those who diligently follow the required steps to manage their condition, but require additional treatment.  

Supported by the National Pharmaceutical Council, our latest V-BID Center Brief, “A ‘Dynamic’ Approach to Consumer Cost-Sharing for Prescription Drugs,” highlights that individuals with clinical conditions often need multiple therapies to achieve desired patient-centered outcomes.

A. Mark Fendrick, MD, developer of the V-BID concept and Director of the University of Michigan V-BID Center, is available for questions or comments.

The resources below are also available for review: 

Good Soldier Issue Brief (NPC)      Specialty Pharma Initiative Page

Good Soldier Whiteboard Video      Good Soldier Infographic

