The American Medical Association Council on Medical Service and Council on Science and Public Health recently released a joint report that strongly endorsed value-based insurance design as a potential solution to align clinical and financial incentives for high-value care.  The report listed eleven key policy recommendations, including the following:

  • Support clinically nuanced V-BID plans
  • Support the requirement of private health plans to provide coverage for evidence-based preventive services without cost-sharing for patients
  • Support Medicare Advantage V-BID plans
  • Support legislative and regulatory flexibility to implement V-BID, including expanding the safe harbor of HSA-eligible high-deductible health plans to include coverage for preventive care and chronic diseases
  • Encourage national medical specialty societies to identify high-value services and collaborate with payers to experiment with plan designs that align incentives with utilization of high-value services

The AMA House of Delegates adopted all report recommendations.  To read the full report and AMA News article, click on the buttons below.